What if Cities Moved Around on Wheels, and Had to “Eat” Other Cities to Survive?

This is a fascinating concept: Imagine a post-apocalyptic future where surviving humans are clustered in cities–that are all up on enormous wheels and roam the earth in search of ever-dwindling resources. And to get by, they can snack on other, smaller cities. 

That’s the concept of author Philip Reeve’s “Predator Cities” series of sci-fi books, and now Peter Jackson has gone and turned it into a movie called “Mortal Engines,” named for the first book.

The trailer just came out yesterday. Here’s what that world looks like:

I love Reeves’ term for this type of society: “Municipal Darwinism.” I am imagining this scenario taking place in America, envisioning New York gobbling up Miami, Chicago eating Milwaukee, Houston eating everything. But I can’t decide whether San Francisco would eat L.A. or vice versa.
