Today’s Urban Design Observation: Sidewalk Lounge Integrated with Planter

Someone on Kenmare Street got their hands on what look to be the seating surfaces from three restaurant chairs.


They fashioned them into this urban lounge integrated with a planter on a concrete pad. The backrest of the outermost seat copies the angle of the planter. I can’t tell if this was all built together or if the planter was there first.


At first I thought the seat slats were resting on a shipping pallet, but if you look closely you can see the seat slats are resting on short 2x4 blocks. So this was purpose-built out of leftover materials.


I have been trying to deduce why they built the backrest in this manner. 


My guess is that they only used the cylindrical pole support first, then it started to sag and they added the rearmost supports later.

