The Most Insanely Precise Table Assembly You’ll Ever See
Even if you build furniture for exacting rich people and have a white-glove service deliver and install it, chances are slim that the client will take an extra-precise engineer’s level to it and use lasers to site it. But this group of specialists who are hired each year to provide tables for the World Snooker Championship must combine assembly skills with NASA-like precision.
The table must not only be perfectly flat, perfectly sited and perfectly lit, but must essentially be constructed anew each time. While the legs and support structures can be bolted together, the slate, felt and bumpers must be laid anew each time with an insane level of precision. Take a look at this:
Never mind the skill, do any of you possess the personality and patience required to do something like this for a living? The chalk-drawing step alone would stress me out.
7 years ago