Lauren Ko’s Incredibly Designey Pies

Operating under the motto “When all hell bakes loose,” Seattle-based Lauren Ko creates pun-captioned pies that look like they should be in a design museum.

Incredibly, 30-year-old Ko only began baking a year ago, and she’s not a designer by training; her day job is at Seattle Colleges, where she’s Executive Assistant to the Chancellor. She cranks these out in her spare time.

“I’m driven by color and pattern, so I’m constantly brainstorming color combinations and geometric patterns that I think I can replicate with pie dough [and] fruit,” Ko told Buzzfeed. “What I create during a particular baking session is also often informed by produce that is in season and what’s currently in my fridge.”

Check out Ko’s Instagram, which was only started in August and already has 89,000 followers.
