Humorous Sculptures Twisted Into Unconventional Forms by Sergio Gomez


Dallas-based artist Sergio Garcia creates simple, yet surreal moments within his sculptures, often incorporating realistic hands that are paused in the act of forming a bubble, or spray painting a wall. In one sculpture in particular, By Any Means, a miniature hand reaches out from a pencil’s eraser as it is being sharpened, almost as if to stop the mechanism in which the utensil is trapped.

“I have always enjoyed the use of the unconventional as a base for my artwork,” says Garcia in an artist statement. “I enjoy creating art that people can relate to and that stimulates the creative subconscious. Not only to create an emotional relationship between art and viewer, but to conjure up questions of how and why. It is this desire to create a connection with the viewer that fuels my creativity.”

Another subject matter Garcia focuses on is tricycles, creating sculptural versions of the childhood toy with loops, hearts, and figure eights in place of the traditional frame. The bright red and pink works range from life-size to palm-size, yet when photographed each appear incredibly realistic.

You can see more work form the Cuban-American artist on his Instagram and website.






