Reader Submitted: This Student Merged Science and Design to Produce a Joint System with Endless Opportunity

Flat surfaces with carefully planned cuts—with a single motion their purpose is revealed.

I graduated from a unique joint program for Computer Science at The Hebrew University and Industrial Design at Bezalel Academy. My project is a result of my studies, combined scientific research with aesthetics and leaves an opening to variety of potential applications.

My fascination of using mathematics as a tool to enhance design led me to the development of a new design and production form based on auxetic structures. Auxetics are structures or materials that when stretched, become thicker perpendicular to the applied force. This structure serves as the basis for planning cuts that provide the flat sheet with its potential third dimension.

Stainless steel hanger From 2D metal sheet to 3d hanger Kinetic bamboo Bag Reacts to hand movement inside Credit: Oded Antman Kinetic bamboo Bag side view Credit: Oded Antman Kinetic bamboo Bag Reacts to its varying content volumes Credit: Oded Antman Textile partition - detail Under gravity laws the parametrically designed textile partitions receive a three dimensional transformation. Credit: Oded Antman Hanger - stretching manipulation Stretching manipulation - from 2D metal sheet to 3D hander Kinetic bamboo Bag Kinetic bag, reacts to its varying content volumes Hanger Textile partition Sphere mapping, 3D transformation detail Credit: Oded Antman View the full project here