Detailed Infographics of Every Transportation Mode in 24 Cities & Hanna-Barbara’s 1959 Animated Steel Documentary

The Core77 team spends time combing through the news so you don’t have to. Here’s a weekly roundup of our favorite finds from the World Wide Web:

Meticulously detailed infographics of every public transportation mode in 24 major cities. Background info on the project here, actual project here.

Archive of 50’s and 60’s sci-fi pulp magazine “Galaxy”.

The story of a 1928 Rolls Royce Phantom 1, owned by a single owner and driven for 77 years before being donated to the museum. 

How barbed wire changed America.

An interview with the anonymous graphic designer behind  Screen Saviors, the hilarious graphic design Instagram meme account.

Drill-powered flipbook animation.

Journeymen and journeywomen craftspersons still hitting the road in Europe.

33 pop culture touchstones from 1997.

What is your “opposite job?” (And apparently the opposite job of “industrial designer” is “model").

The 20 fastest-growing skills for freelancers.

Solid business/personality advice from Foursquare founder, Dennis Crowley.

New foods announced for the Iowa State Fair, which opened on August 10 and runs for 11 days.

More info on this incredible Hana-Barbara produced steel manufacturing doc can be found here.360-degree rainbows

Hot Tip: Discover more blazin’ hot Internet finds on our Twitter and Instagram pages.
