Unfolding and Transforming Interiors and Exteriors

In the last post, we looked at Ten Fold Engineering’s linkage designs. Now let’s check out the actual applications they have in mind. In the company’s vision, prefabricated structures are transported to site, then unfurled:

It’s fun seeing what their architects have come up with for the interior spaces, as with the multiple configurations of this office space:

Ditto for hotel rooms:

We know what you’re thinking: “Yeah, but these are all just renderings.” So here’s their full-size real world Demonstrator Unit in action:

Here’s the crazy part, and the thing they’ve not done a good job of communicating in their videos: These mechanisms were all apparently designed to be operated with a bare minimum of power, achieving their strength through leverage and redundancy. The unit in the video directly above, for instance, “opens and closes in 10 minutes,” the company writes, “using a hand-held battery-powered drill.” Why on Earth did they not show that?!?
