This Architecture Firm Created a Building That Can Be Produced and Furnished Using One Machine

Assemble, the Turner Prize winning architecture and design studio based in London, are about to wrap up their residency at the A/D/O design work space in Brooklyn. To cap off their ongoing explorations, The Creators Project has produced a video detailing the idea behind their residency pitch entitled “A Factory as It Might Be”. Check out the short film below:

The premise of Assemble’s project was to consider how buildings of the future could be made simply and with a restricted amount of equipment. After researching production methods over history, the studio decided to build a factory on the A/D/O premises to create all of the incorporated elements—from light fixtures to building materials, even cups—using just one ceramic extruder. Their vision is to create a system where a factory could be sent anywhere “in kit form, which arrives onsite and goes up in a matter of days… which furnishes itself and then the surrounding area with its products,” as they describe in the book detailing their process. 

Although clearly a mere conceptual investigation at the moment, the idea holds promise. “A Factory as It Might Be” imagines not only a sustainable building model, but also promotes the incorporation of beautiful design sprouting anywhere on the simplest possible terms. Where do you see room for improvement or possible roadblocks for a project like this? Share with us in the comments below. 

With the help of A/D/O, we’re excited to offer the opportunity to develop a project of your own in the same space Assemble created “A Factory as It Might Be”. Core77 readers, applications for our design residency at the A/D/O are due in less than 24 hours! To read more about how to apply, click here
