Here Are Some Winners from the Core77 Design Awards Prototype Contest

This year’s theme for the Core77 Design Awards centers around the phrase “It’s Not All Good"—which if you’re only hearing now may have you scratching your head. What this phrase is getting at is that in the world of design, your success is often predicated on many failures; it means putting in the hours and experimenting without the fear of coming up short. That is why we asked the Core77 community to show the fruits of their labor for our Core77 Design Award Prototype Poster Contest. The rules to win were simple: photograph the full spread of prototypes you made for one design project, post it on your social media account and we’ll give you a Core77 Design Awards poster.

We were excited to see how willing all of you were to share your projects and process! For those of you who may have missed it, we rounded up a few examples of submissions that earned these designers a free poster (and if you want to check out the full feed of submissions, simply type #c77designawards into your search on Instagram or Twitter): 



#c77awards #prototype pic.twitter.com/zJcp1gYNwP— Mister Ames (@misterames) February 24, 2017 ’ contenteditable=‘false’>

Thanks again for all who participated! Don’t forget, those projects you did all those prototypes for are still eligible for the Core77 Design Awards—regular deadline ends next Wednesday, March 8th! 

Prepare your submission now at designawards.core77.com.
