Japanese artist Takuro Kuwata is one of the most intriguing young artists who’s transforming the world of ceramics today. Kuwata creates strangely alluring clay objects that break many rules of his chosen medium. His radical pottery allows chance to play a major part in the final result. Surfaces are coated with an extremely thick glaze, which literally explode when baked in the kiln. Kuwata is also known for a number of other experimental techniques, such as adding stones to his clay mix which burst and puncture the outer layer when fired. The artist also uses needles to catch the glaze on his pieces, which create his signature bumpy textures.

Some of his pieces appear as though they’ve arrived from another planet, or straight from an infections disease research lab. Despite their somewhat ‘garsley’ appearance, the objects capture a sense of irreverence and visual ecstasy.

“I seek to create joyful and fun works, by making the most use of the characteristics of the materials,” shares the artist.

Although Kuwata’s approach is radical, he describes his work as firmly grounded within the traditions of ceramics. His focus is to push the potential of his materials, while referencing traditional forms and ensuring that each piece is still functional. Add to this his commitment to celebrating saturated and intense colour combinations, and we have ourselves another case of extreme love!


[Images courtesy of Takuro Kuwata.]

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