10 Days Left to Apply for SVA’s Products of Design MFA Program

There’s only 10 days left to apply to be a part of the Class of 2019 at SVA’s MFA in Products of Design. Chaired by Core77’s Allan Chochinov, the program is “a pan-disciplinary program, concentrating on the sweet spot between design thinking and design making." 

Adds Allan, "These days, I also think of our program as sitting at the intersection of prototyping and point of view. Deep in the pedagogy is an appreciation of the shift in design from products to services, systems, and platforms, along with a dogged belief in the power of the prototyping and iteration. But just as important is what designers have to say with design—what they choose to build with design—and that’s largely influenced by their point of view. (We actually have a course called Point of View!) Using grad school to develop a strong point of view is critical, since I don’t believe that design should be ‘in the service of industry’ any longer; I believe that designers should be setting the agenda for industry.

"In the program, students build fluencies around strategy and brand, but also around business and stewardship. We emphasize new making in digital fabrication and smart objects/coding, along with strong mapping and narrative skills.”

To learn more about applying to the program, hit their apply page. You can also read 14 THINGS THAT MATTER: What distinguishes the MFA in Products of Design? or watch their short “Life at Products of Design"Film by Michael Chung .
