See How Visual Engineer Steve Giralt Rigs Up Another Tricky Shoot

Steve Giralt is the engineer/photographer who rigged up that elaborating “self-assembling burger” video shoot. Now he’s back with an equally tricky project, shooting “United Not Divided,” a PSA that hopes to calm the political divisiveness America’s currently experiencing. 

Here’s the finished product:

#UnitedNotDivided from United Not Divided America on Vimeo.

And here’s the behind-the-scenes showing how he pulled it off:

Behind The Scenes #UnitedNotDivided from United Not Divided America on Vimeo.

Does Giralt have a killer gig or what?

Sadly, America is being roiled by yet another rift: On this weekend’s Saturday Night Live, comedian Aziz Ansari compared President Trump to Chris Brown, prompting Brown to go after Ansari on Twitter.

Oh, America.

In more uplifting news, here’s a video of 1,000 Kentucky high school students singing the national anthem in an acoustically-pleasing hotel atrium:
