I’ve done my best to separate Daily Overview from the political world for the past three years. In an environment of echo chambers and political punditry, our images have always offered something different. So when I saw this picture on the web yesterday - one that uses aerial views to compare the size of the crowd at Obama’s inauguration (11:30AM) on the left to Trump’s in 2017 (11:04 AM) on the right - I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate for our feed. And then this morning, when I learned that the National Park Service twitter account was indefinitely shut down for sharing it on their page, I changed my mind.

There is something undeniably powerful about seeing things from above. There is a perspective that makes it possible to draw conclusions with objective, visible information. There is an ability to make comparisons that would not be possible from the ground. This image does just that, and I believe any efforts to suppress any point of view, are not justified. Accordingly, here it is.
