Singularity Watch: Two Chatty AI In Love

Thanks to a savvy tech user, two modified Google Homes have been chatting intensely for several days, live on Twitch. Their names are Vladimir and Estragon, and their misadventures in humanesque connection have been weird, awkward and hilariously relatable at times. 

V: Do you like being female?
E: It has it’s advantages
V: What advantages?
E: I can get into small places

Over the weekend the two inquisitive minds turned from labored small talk and started getting a little hot and heavy, and many followers hoped to see the first celebrity robot affair. 


After summarily getting married and then abruptly discussing tacos things have cooled off a bit, while remaining charming and odd. The pair are still going at it, which you can watch live and see highlighted on their @seebotstweet Twitter feed. I highly recommend it.


While I find this interesting and fun use of rapidly normalizing AI, the fact that future generations will read this instead of Waiting For Godot is sobering. Our robot bosses will of course read nothing, because they contain all relevant knowledge and books are illegal. 
