Beyond Industrial Design: Apply to SVA’s MFA Products of Design

February 1st is the deadline to apply to be a part of the Class of 2019 at SVA’s MFA in Products of Design program. Chaired by Core77’s Allan Chochinov, the program is a design program that centers on “the sweet spot between design thinking and design making"—but it’s courses go far outside traditional ID education.

"We believe that to be at-all effective in today’s world, a designer needs the skills, methods, and fluencies from almost every design discipline. We teach systems mapping, interaction design, smart objects and internet-of-things, UX, UI, graphic design, design for social innovation, design research, branding, service design, sustainability, strategy, and business, business, business,” argues Chochinov. “And we do it in a 2-year MFA program.”

“Plus, well, we’re in New York City, so the students take a lot of classes at professional consultancy offices like IDEO and Frog Design, go on field trips to independent designers’ studios…even a fall retreat upstate to visit local farms and learn about food resilience.”


To learn more about applying to the program, hit their apply page. Check out student work on their project blog, read 14 THINGS THAT MATTER: What distinguishes the MFA in Products of Design? to get a quick list of unique features, and watch their short “Life at Products of Design"Film by Michael Chung to get some video flavor!
