A Device That Lets You Charge Your Phone Using Your Body’s Own Energy

There are several devices on the market that will let you charge your cell phone independent of a power socket. But this one is significantly different: Inventor Michael Vaga has created HandEnergy, an apple-sized device that lets you charge your phone using nothing more than your own personal energy.

To be clear, while he states in the video that HandEnergy charges your device at the same speed as when it’s plugged into the wall, that assumes that you’ve fully charged HandEnergy beforehand. The FAQ on the Kickstarter campaign page says that takes 40-60 minutes of wrist-twirling action first.

That hasn’t deterred backers, who have pledged $63,756 on a $52,559 target. At press time there was still a week to pledge, with prices starting at €79 (about USD $84).
