Should You Design for Inspiration, Appearances, Manufacturing & Distribution, or Outcomes?

Tim Prestero and his team at Design that Matters did everything right: They identified an important, life-saving product design need, did heavy research, designed a good-looking and functional product that solved that need, and won awards for it. But then the product failed to gain traction. Why?

In this video, which has a million views on TED’s website (plus 50,000 and change on YouTube), Prestero breaks down the real-world issues designers have to confront—they might as well call this “The Things They Don’t Teach You in Design School"—explains how they come into play, and shows you how he and his team figured the system out and bounced back:

Have you paid close attention? Good; we got a chance to meet Prestero at Autodesk University, and we’re currently working up our Q&A with both him and Malory Johnson, Design that Matters’ industrial design fellow. DtM has much to say about where design can and can’t make a difference, and hearing the story above will help you better understand where they’re coming from—and where they’re going.
