How Globes are Made in 21st Century America

Replogle Globes is the world’s largest manufacturer of globes, and I was shocked to see that they still manufacture them in the United States. The production processes, as you can imagine, are a tad more sophisticated than what we saw in the 1950s British factory.

Manufacturing the hemispheres separately seems a lot less labor-intensive than the, er, “one world” approach we saw in the older video.

By the bye, if you own a modern-day globe and one of the hemispheres becomes damaged, do not throw the whole thing out; there’s a perfectly good way to upcycle it. As tinkerer Ben Porter writes, “[My] neighbor was throwing away a perfectly good globe that only had a collapsed southern hemisphere. I looked at the northern hemisphere and, naturally, the first thing I thought was ‘Hey, that looks like R2-D2’s head!’”

Porter’s next course of action:

Images/work by Ben Porter

Read how he did it here.
