The Obama Years, Through the Lens of White House Photographer Pete Souza (44 photos)

Barack Obama has just two months remaining as the President of the United States, after serving eight years in office. Chief Official White House Photographer Pete Souza spent those years by the President’s side, capturing more than two million moments, large and small. The resulting body of work documents the work and play that took place in the White House and beyond, with a number of iconic images that will live for years in history books. Below, I’ve gathered a collection of 44 of Souza’s images of the 44th President of the United States.

A temporary White House staffer, Carlton Philadelphia, brought his family to the Oval Office for a farewell photo with President Obama. Carlton’s son softly told the President he had just gotten a haircut like President Obama, and asked if he could feel the President’s head to see if it felt the same as his. Photographed on May 8, 2009. (Pete Souza / The White House)