“Vote With Your Feet:” A Way to Announce Your Views to the World

Is there one belief you hold, one mannerism you were raised with, that 99% of people don’t seem to share? For me it is the old Emily Post notion, instilled in me during childhood, that it is impolite to discuss politics or religion outside of your home. As someone who has friends on both sides of the political fence, out in public my instinct is to steer conversation towards what we have in common, keeping well clear of the edge of the road.

These days, it seems that all people talk about is politics and religion. Many are eager to trumpet their opinions on various topics. A tongue-in-cheek art installation called “Vote With Your Feet” capitalizes on this urge:

“Vote With Your Feet” is a public installation that asks questions for citizens, and get answers from citizens. Two doorways stand in the middle of the sidewalk, with a question displayed on a sign above them. Each door stands for an answer. Walk through the door, and your vote will be counted, viewable both at the door and on our website.

If you’d like to make one of these for yourself, here’s an Instructable on how to do it.
