SCAD’s Ambitious Multidisciplinary Student Collaboration Yields VR Film

When I was in design school, we ID students had little interaction with the other departments. Few of us ever visited the Architecture department, where the students all reportedly behaved like Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now. But it might’ve been nice to have some creative crossover.

SCAD is a design school that does foster creative crossovers, creating multidisciplinary projects that harness the school’s various departments to create things greater than the sum of their parts. A recent course at their Collaborative Learning Center, for instance, involved students from multiple programs: Animation, Costume Design, Dramatic Writing, Film & Television, Motion Media Design, Sound Design, Themed Entertainment Design, Production Design, and Visual Effects, all collaborating on a single massive project.

That project was “Say it with Music,” a virtual reality film that debuted at this year’s Savannah Film Festival. Take a look behind the scenes and see what these students cooked up:

I like how they shot it all in one take, like Scorcese dong the club entry scene from GoodFellas. The project looks like it was a lot of fun—even if, it appears, there weren’t any ID students involved. Speaking of which, current ID students at SCAD or elsewhere: 

Does your school have collaborative interdepartmental projects? And if not, do you have any ideas for what those could be, and what departments they’d involve?
