Watch an Office Collapse, Learn About Design Thinking for Businesses and Explore Public Spaces as Personal Experiences

Jumpstart your week with our insider’s guide to events in the design world. From must-see exhibitions to insightful lectures and the competitions you need to know about—here’s the best of what’s going on, right now.



Send Your Management Team to: DMI Workshop: Building Great Design Organizations

Learn how to integrate design thinking into a successful business model at a time when the relationship between the two has never been so important. This workshop will give you the skills you need to set a plan in place for more effective design operations, organization, management and sourcing.

New York, NY. Course takes place November 1-2, 2016.


Extreme Makeover Furniture Edition: Prague Street Furniture Competition 

This competition is your chance to redesign street furniture for a major city. Prague is seeking a bench, bike rack and trash bin update—and they’re looking for designers like you to help.

Online competition open through December 20, 2016.


Open Call: Forecast

Forecast is an opportunity for designers from all fields to present their work in hopes of entering a personal mentor program. During the application process, designers are able to choose which mentor they think will best help their project succeed. 30 designers will be invited to present their work to the mentors. Following the presentations, the mentors will then each select one project to work with in the future.

Online competition open through November 30, 2016. 


Bring a Psychologist to: After Utopia

After Utopia examines the relationship between people and seemingly mundane suburban spaces—where daily life, memory and personal histories push against ever-crumbling modernist designs. The narratives presented in the exhibit explore the ways in which we turn public spaces—despite their flaws—into personal, storied encounters and suggests how the recognition of these stories are integral to our understanding of place.

Toronto, ON. On view through November 19, 2016.


Having a Bad Day at Work? Visit: Cubicle

Johnathan Schipper has created a mechanical installation at Rice Gallery that represents an office cubicle. Lines connect nearly every item in the office to a mechanical winch hidden behind a wall in the gallery’s back corner. The machine continuously pulls the objects and furniture at an extremely slow speed toward a small hole in the wall and eventual collapse.

Houston, TX. On view through December 4, 2016.


Treat Yourself to a Weekend of Thoughtful Installations Followed by Some Dumplings. Check Out: The Apotheosis of the Fish Market

284 Grand Street was home to a Chinese family-operated seafood market, offering everything from baby shrimps to exotic sea urchins. About two years ago, the fishmongers vacated. In The Apotheosis of the Fish Market, the site is finally exalted to the zenith of its existence before it makes way for a new building that will be constructed the following Spring. In reaction to its spatial configurations, Jinsu Han and Jong Oh have transformed two floors of the building into a gritty, sensory experience with their respective site-responsive installations.

New York, NY. On view through December 14, 2016.
