If You Upgraded: What Do You Think of iOS 10?
The new features of Apple’s much-ballyhooed iOS 10 are supposed to be “more expressive, more dynamic, and more fun than ever. Thing is, I don’t want my phone to be expressive, dynamic or fun; I want it to work for the things I need it to, and right now iOS 9 does, more or less.

For those of you brave souls that did upgrade, what do you think of the new interfaces? Media reports are what you’d expect—love, hate, gushing, complaining—but we want to hear from our design-minded readership: Is losing the swipe-on a UX improvement? Does having to re-learn where Notifications is annoy you, or is it minor, and ultimately an improvement? Is Siri now as smart as they claim? Does the Maps integration finally live up to Jobsian standards?
I stopped being an early-adopter of iOS upgrades after bricking my phone twice, so I’ll wait until the bugs are gone—and after hearing your crucial designer feedback. Please let us know!