At the Airport Security Line, Remove Your Buckle, Not the Belt

It’s strange to think terrorism has influenced the design of luggage, yet it undeniably has. Frequent fliers seek out bags with pockets allowing for quick laptop egress and ingress, and external pockets for dumping keys and change into, making the airport security line a bit easier.

At some airports we can skip the metal detectors and step into scanning machines where, in the words of Bill Burr, we’re made to adopt “the Jay Z ‘Hova’ position.”

But metal detectors are still the rule, which means we still have to take our belts off. Now a company called Flybelt is aiming to change that with their removable belt buckles.

I’m not at all sure these will take, but it’s easy to see the company’s thinking: They’re hoping that frequent fliers will so like the design that they’ll purchase a drawer full of Flybelt buckles, and a series of belts that they’ve designed a hanger for. They’re selling the system

What they need now is to hire a celebrity endorser to popularize them. We recommend Hova.
