Video Interview With Unlicensed Action Figure Artist The Sucklord (NSFW Language)

Here’s a fascinating interview with The Sucklord, the NYC-based artist that cranks out modified and unlicensed action figures from his downtown studio. Whether it’s Gay Empire Homotroopers, and AT-AT that looks like it’s been through the South Bronx in the late ‘70s or a Sleestak in a business suit, the Suckadelic brand is known for producing irreverent social commentary via toys that appear innocuous until you get up close.

The Sucklord, a/k/a/ Morgan Phillips, reveals that needing to pay the rent on his first studio is “what drove me to come up with a cheap way of doing mass production,” before revealing his moldmaking technique. He also talks about his trenchant philosophy on why “villains are just better:”

“The Sucklord” by Joey Garfield from ghostrobot on Vimeo.
