Super High-Res Timelapse of Rio de Janeiro

Olympics-viewers among us are all seeing Rio these days, but aside from the occasional cutaway shots, the cameras are all pointed at the athletes inside of the venues. To get a far better sense of what Rio looks like from a more zoomed-out perspective, feast your eyes on these crazy-high-res time-lapses shot by photographer Joe Capra, who put together a 10K (10,328 x 7,760) video timelapse from various vantage points around the city (fullscreen this for best effect):

Capra shot this with the PhaseOne IQ180 digital back, a pricey creation from Denmark. “I wanted to show a couple things with this demo video. First, the extreme resolution of this camera (and medium format in general),” Capra writes. “Second, the amazing amount of flexibility this resolution allows for in post production. You can literally get about 8-10 solid 1920x1080 shots out of a single shot. You can also get about 5-6 solid 4K shots out of a single shot.” That explains why the IQ180 runs USD ~$50,000!
