Designs for Better Boozing: Silicone Wine Glasses

As I’ve said before, I freaking hate the design of the martini glass. It is the dumbest, least-ergonomic form factor for quaffing gin that I can think of. The top-heavy form makes them easy to topple over and break (particularly the stupid-wide ones that every bar started stocking after “Sex and the City” came out).


As a waiter, I saw this happen when someone unexpectedly pulled another drink off of my tray, unbalancing it. As a bartender, I watched more than one customer knock them over, and when the broken glass falls into the ice bin you have to get buckets of hot water and melt the whole goddamn thing down to find the shards, and if you don’t have a bar-back because Armando’s fighting with his girlfriend again you then have to go down to the icemaker in the basement (why are they always in the basement) to refill the friggin’ ice bin, which is impossibly time-consuming when you’re in the middle of a crunch. As a customer, if I ever have a martini I order it in a rocks glass.

Wine glasses or any kind of stemware aren’t much better, from a design standpoint. So I’m digging these stemless wine glasses made out of silicone:


I admit it’s not that classy to drink out of something that you conceivably pulled out of your back pocket. I have no idea how stable these things are on a table, and I suspect that drinking out of something flexible might cause you to spill it upwards if you squeeze it too hard. But I like that they can’t break, probably because of my aforementioned experiences and the prejudices they’ve instilled.


They’re not only for wine, of course, and they seem like a good option for parents with butterfingered kids.


And I like what they’ve done here: Judging by the photo below, they’ve filled the bottom with water, frozen it to make a bottom-heavy ice base, then added whatever they’re drinking on top.


Bonus: You can throw—literally throw—these things in the dishwasher.


Would you drink out of these? Should I have made this a Yea or Nay?

See More:

Ergonomically-Better Boozing: byAMT Studio’s InsideOut Glassware Collection

Designs for Better Boozing, Whether Hard Liquor, Wine or Beer

Designs for Better Boozing: Foldable Flasks

Designs for Better Boozing: The Chillsner
