Collapsible Furniture That Transforms From Two to Three Dimensions Designed by Jongha Choi


Inspired by our perception of flattened images, Korean designer Jongha Choi decided to build a set of furniture that collapses into two-dimensions, conveniently hanging on the wall when not in use. These tables and chairs were produced for his thesis at Eindhoven Design Academy in The Netherlands, and are collectively titled De-Dimension.

“In our current situation, in which modern society experiences the image, in relation to advertising, image circulation and the internet, why do we not question an image’s confinement to a flat surface,” said Choi in his thesis. “Why don’t we try to get more stereoscopic and attempt for direct experience with the image. My question started with this point, and I tried several experiments in order to realize this idea from a personal point of view.”

You can see the collapsible models in action below and read more about Choi’s project on his website. (via Twister Sifter)






