A Sundial That Lights Itself

Maarten de Ceulaer’s striking Sundial Chandelier takes cues from both ancient time-tellers and astronomical bodies. The piece, showed at this year’s Salone de Mobile, combines anodized aluminum disks and hidden offset lighting to create a series of luminous planetary bodies marked by shadow.

While the disks are flat and smooth the lighting creates a rounding effect, giving the appearance of depth and self-powered luminosity—like 6 domesticated suns. The cut of the shadow spirals down (or up) the column, adding motion to the light.

The piece was prepared for the Nilufar Gallery show, in collaboration with the Dutch aluminum producer Alton. A second version, gradient anodized from warm gold to silver, debuted at the ‘Belgian Matters’ show, which paired Belgian designers with Belgian companies, as part of a series curated by DAMn Magazine.

The stately chandelier might not tell time (on this planet) but it certainly harnesses light with style.
