The Rescued Film Project Acquires Trove of 1,200 Undeveloped Rolls of 1950s Era Film

The Rescued Film Project recently made a huge discovery: nearly 66 bundles of film dating from the 1950s. Meticulously labeled and wrapped inside cigar boxes and athletic tape, the treasure trove of photography from a man known only as Paul seems to encompass at least 1,200 undeveloped rolls of film. It’s unclear what would drive a person would take tens of thousands of photographs without any intent to develop the images, but it’s easy to make at least a symbolic comparison to Vivian Maier. A preliminary attempt to develop a roll revealed candid family snapshots of children at home on Christmas while unwrapping presents and playing outside in the snow.

Over the last few years the Rescued Film Project has developed no less than 18,000 images that might have otherwise been lost to time, including an ambitious endeavor to save 31 rolls shot during WWII mentioned here last year. The project is partnering with Blue Moon Camera in Portland to develop the rest of Paul’s film, and the hope is to raise a modest amount of money through donations to help cover costs. You can learn more over on IndieGogo.
