How Would You Incorporate Robots Into Your Daily Routine?

This week we bring you our pressing topic of the moment straight from our reader-driven discussion boards! This one’s an interesting inquiry by Core77 reader Gabriele_Ermacora that involves a bit of future gazing. Well-versed in robotics, Gabriele asks: 

“I am about to develop this idea that excited me a lot: making accessible robotic software development to designers and artists in an easy way. [I want to make] a very easy interface for developing robotic applications accessible to non-expert or not-super geeks. In this way an artists or designers could create easily a robotic art installation or robotics application. 
I come from the robotics geek world so I have no idea (that’s why I’m asking here) if this could be interesting to designers…”

[Have you] ever used robots? Would it be interesting for a designer to have this tool?

As robots infiltrate more and more corners of our lives, it’s interesting to consider the vast opportunities for solutions having robots around might be able to solve. Ralphzoontjens tuned in to contribute a few different ideas for how designers could incorporate robots into their lives: 

“If I would use a robot would depend on its price and functionality. Some of my ideas:
- a robotic desk light with integrated web cam so it can track and follow my hands. This would be nice for creating videos of me working on sketches / tinkering to send to clients for either presentation or work logging.
- A robot/virtual assistant that handles the scanning and documenting of my sketches and notes, automatically adjusting contrast, recognizing my hand writing etc. and a piece of software to store and catalog all my sketches.
- A robot that I put on the coffee table to translate to me when people are speaking different languages or even just pick up words and output them on a simple display… It would be a nice feature if it could also store a to-do list and randomly ask whether or not you already did certain tasks, another feature could be that it stimulates creativity by randomly uttering sentences like ‘what if you would combine a solar panel (x) and a piggy bank (y)?’
- A robot in the car that dispenses mints/sweets/drinks and does tasks like holding your parking tickets.

So how would you apply a robot to your daily routine? Share your ideas in the comment feed below!

(Also feel free to check out the original post and contribute on our discussion board!)
