Belt-Buckle-Based Multitools

On a recent episode of the “Making It” podcast, Jimmy DiResta and Bob Clagett pointed out the handiness, in an emergency situation, of belts. Clagett pointed out that by wearing a belt you’ve always got a sturdy strap of leather on hand, and DiResta mentioned that he only wears the kind that have holes all the way around, as it provides a wide range of adjustability.

The belt buckle is another item you can always be wearing that can provide utility. Hence action sports enthusiast Tony Zentil has designed a compact line of tools, in three different flavors for three different sports, that all tuck away into a belt buckle:

Zentil has reached his $20,000 funding target, and if you’d like to get in on it, you’d better hurry—at press time there were just two days left to pledge. The Board Sword’s going for $25, the Wheelie Wrench for $30 and the Powder Pliers for $35.

