How to Seamlessly Install an Island Cabinet on an Uneven Floor

If only the real world was like CAD world, where everything is perfectly flat, level, square and plumb. During my very first job as an industrial designer, my boss sent me to a jobsite to oversee the installation of a built-in. I had naively thought that the tradesmen would just drop the piece in and be done with it. Instead I learned that the real world is certainly not CAD world, nor table-saw-square world.

Over the next few hours I was impressed to see the tradesmen break out a variety of shimming, scribing and covering tricks to get the thing installed perfectly flush all around. Being the professionals that they were, their labor installing the finished product was invisible, leaving no indication that they had just cleverly joined a perfectly finished object with a very imperfect environment.

Nathan Hartman of Kerf Design<——LINK TO PREVIOUS ENTRY—— is one such professional, and here he demnostrates and explains how to install a freestanding island cabinet on an imperfect floor while maintaining a seamless join:
