Announcing the Design Education Honorees for the 2016 Core77 Design Awards 

Affording younger generations the opportunity to learn facets and principles of good design at an early age is paramount in ensuring that design has a promising future. By effectively educating youths in design practice, the next wave of designers have a chance to not only carry on the legacy of those who came before them, but improve upon it. For our Design Education Initiatives category, we asked our entrants to provide, “any educational class project, curriculum or institutional level program or tool that furthers the practice of design education or education about design.”

Leading the Design Education Initiatives team this year was Pradyumna Vyas, Director of the National Institute of Design. Accompanying Pradyumna on the jury was Hrridaysh Deshpande, Director of DYPDC School of Design, Shashank Mehta, Activity Chairperson at the National Institute of Design, and Srini Srinivasan, President and CEO of Lumium. Upon reviewing each entry, Mr. Vyas felt that, “all the entries are very innovative, and it was difficult to pick a winner, because they were competing with each other.”

The Jury Team highlighted five criteria they considered when reviewing the entries: “Problem solving/intent, stakeholder usefulness, relevance for the world, creativity/idea, and execution/efforts taken.”

Core77 would like to express our deepest gratitude to the entire Design Education Initiative Jury Team for recognizing the following projects:

Design Education Initiative Award Honorees
