12 Different Designs for Movable Bridges, Animated For Your Pleasure

Watching Frank Howarth and his son build that model of the bi-level vertical-lift bridge, I got to wondering about different movable bridge designs. I’d never seen that unique bi-level variant before; what other solutions have engineers come up with when a bridge has to be moved out of the way for a boat to pass?

Turns out there’s at least a dozen different kinds of movable bridges that have been realized around the world. Helpfully, Wikimedia Commons contributor Y_tambe has animated their transformations:

imageBascule Bridge
imageFolding Bridge
imageCurling Bridge
imageVertical Lift Bridge
imageTable Bridge
imageRetractable Bridge
imageRolling Bascule Bridge
imageSubmersible Bridge
imageTilt Bridge
imageSwing Bridge
imageTransporter Bridge

Got a favorite? I love how the Rolling Bascule design completely prevents any Blues Brothers or 2 Fast 2 Furious bridge-jumping moments. And no, I will not be judged by you for watching and enjoying 2 Fast 2 Furious, what I do on my own time is my own business.

Thanks again to Y_tambe for putting in the time to create these! You can click on his/her bridge page to see static shots of the real-life versions of these bridges alongside the animations.
