How Would You Redesign the Hairdryer?

A couple weeks ago, we asked Core77 readers what they thought about Dyson’s new quiet hairdryer. The topic seemed to spark some hot debate—so much so, moderator Michael DiTullo set up an impromptu sketch challenge to redesign the hairdryer:

“The hair dryer is the classic design school student project, yet there seems to be a true lack of nicely designed options on the market. Have at it designers, lets see what you would do unfettered by the constraints or retailers, marketers, and engineering BOMs.”

So far, sketch challengers have delivered plenty of exciting results! Here are just a few promising examples out of several: 

imageUE Boom Dryer by Bengt Brummer

Ever get frustrated when you dry your hair but can’t hear anything outside of the whirring hairdryer buzz? Well, this ingenious sketch by bepster brings the sound to you by incorporating a speaker into the nozzle portion: “Now you can headbang to Slayer while you give your luscious mane that volume and sheen!" 


 This upgrade on a classic by KenoLeon incorporates a few especially thoughtful features, including a USB rechargeable battery not unlike a portable drill as well as a free-standing option. 


A couple sketchers reimagined the form of a hairdryer entirely in some thought-provoking ways. The above sketch by gmay3able may look like a normal hairdryer at first glance, but "by adjusting the two tubes apart like headphones to have the air blow at two different angles [you get] more drying surface area instead of one powerful direction." 


And last but not least, Jboogie941 designed an entirely new form for the hairdryersaying "I’ve never used a blow dryer for my hair personally but, see my lady use hers often. I think they take up too much space. Secondly, I feel that the hand held use could use some different explorations….” This model might require some prototype testing to see if it makes for a better product, but it’s definitely a worthwhile exploration!

Think you’ve got a good idea up your sleeve to add? Share your own sketches and commentary on the comment feed below!

(Also feel free to check out the original post and contribute on our discussion board!)
