Colin Furze Creates Working Hoverbike

I’m going to keep calling Colin Furze “Britain’s blue-collar Tony Stark” until the name sticks. Nut-job Furze, a self-described man with “no engineering qualifications and no experience of flying,” has nevertheless created a DIY flying hoverbike:

Here’s who sponsored the project and where Furze sourced the motors from:

Furze’s design and prototyping process is, as always, as fascinating as it is ad-hoc:

Here’s the all-important thrust test. This is fun to watch, you feel like you’re seeing Henry Ford in his garage the first time he got the engine to turn over:

We’ve gotta give props to Ford for sponsoring this as part of their “Unlearn” campaign (whereby they asked makers to unlearn, i.e. re-think, mobility). It takes balls for a major corporation to open the checkbook for a guy like Furze and let him do whatever the hell he wants! If every American corporation was open-minded enough to sponsor top makers, we’d see some truly incredible things. We do hope other corporate entities will take note of Furze’s traffic, as the hoverbike video just went live yesterday and quickly shot past the million-view mark.
