This Bike Will Get You Drunk

As reported in Bike Radar last week, Moss Bikes has unveiled an adventure bike with a tipply secret. 

imageAll business… Mad Men style.

The frame in question, the Spitfire CX, was shown at the recent Bespoke custom bike show in Bristol. It has raw and rugged good looks, made from unpainted fillet brazed 921 stainless and covered with slick European-made components. But the charming features that bring us together today are stashed out of sight. 

The frame of this bike purportedly holds almost all of a 750ml bottle of scotch. 

imageHere’s where the scotch goes in. Photo Jamie Beach

To fill, you remove the top screws, get out your tiniest funnel, and pour away—the second screw acts as an air release. Then you ride like crazy with your crazy water filled frame, until you need a break, whereupon you can pour yourself a couple fingers into your sweaty fingers, or just relax with your head under your (likely filthy) bottom bracket and drip that sweet (likely hot) whiskey straight into your mouth.

imageAnd this is where the scotch comes out. Photo: Moss Bikes

In a world with a plethora of options for attaching 6 packs, wine bottles, growlers, 22s, and hip flasks onto and inside a bicycle, why is an uninteresting question. Bikers like to drink. That’s it. But how is still intriguing. How does this thing work?

imageSo there’s the dispensing valve, but what else? Photo Jamie Beach
imageSeriously I need answers. Photo Spokes Bike Shop

A couple bike companies have tried this storage stunt with camping fuel, but I’m still intrigued.

I was unable to get the builder on the line for comment, so I turn my questions to you. How would you guess the liquor storage works? Is it sloshing straight in the frame? Can you imagine other applications? 

How does this sloshy bike design work?! 
