New Embroidered Psychological Landscapes by Michelle Kingdom
Still the sky was blue
LA-based artist Michelle Kingdom continues to impress with her masterful command of thread and needle. Her stitched tableaus and landscapes depict individuals caught in the middle of intriguing yet ambiguous situations like something out of a dream, with characters lost in worlds out of their control or in the process of searching for meaning. She shares about her process:
Decidedly miniature in scale, the scenes are densely embroidered into compressed compositions. While the work acknowledges the luster and lineage inherent in needlework, I use thread as a sketching tool in order to simultaneously honor and undermine this tradition. Beauty parallels melancholy, as conventional stitches acquiesce to the fragile and expressive.
You can explore more of Kingdom’s work on her Tumblr and Instagram. (via Lustik)
It had already become the past
Tomorrow will insist
Because reality takes shape in the memory alone
Here we can whisper
Some imagined future
Promises cannot obscure the sun
Truth breaks a thousand times
8 years ago