A Photographer’s Digital Journey to Produce a Lake of Shattered Mirrors

"Impact" by Erik Johansson, image provided by artist.

“Impact” by Erik Johansson, image provided by artist.

Swedish photographer Erik Johansson had a vision for a digital photograph of a lake shattering like a mirror, an image he wanted to produce as accurately as possible. To achieve this effect for Impact, Johansson bought 17 square meters of mirrors, found a boat and a model, and posed all three in a stone pit until he got the best shot for the final image. Several months of planning, shooting, and editing later and he has an entire video that documents the tasks that lie far beyond the many hours he spent in Photoshop.

For this personal project Johansson shot on a Hasselblad H5D-40, edited on a Eizo CG318-4k monitor with Adobe Photoshop, and filmed the entire process with a 4k GoPro. You can see more of Johansson’s behind-the-scenes videos and finished images on his Instagram and Youtube channel. (via Colossal Submissions)
