Only 2 Days Left to Win the 1-HDC! Plus 4 Weird & Awesome Things To Do With an Immersion Blender

There are many reasons to be stoked about our newest 1-Hour Design Challenge, one of which is the awesome prize you could win, a brand new OXO On Illuminating Digital Immersion Blender!

Say you’ve never owned an immersion blender and are wondering what the heck you could do with it? Well, we’ve made a quick list of tasks and tricks you can tackle with an immersion blender that will make your life that much better: 

1. Turn your cheap wine into much better wine

Aeration, or the process of exposing wine to oxygen to reduce sulfites, can help any wine taste better—with a high quality wine, simply swirl it in your glass to properly aerate and you should be good. Cheaper bottles of wine however may need a little help. One common trick? Blend the crap out of your wine for 30-60 seconds.

2. You can make paper pulp

If you’re not much of a chef, you could always use your immersion blender to make paper as we discovered on a really elaborate paper mache discussion board—"Immersion blenders are awesome for breaking down paper to make pulp out of. I decided to go with it instead of a regular blender because you aren’t limited to the cup size of the blender" (we can’t promise this will be good to use for cooking after you do this though). 

3. You can whip up whipped cream in like, a minute 

Who doesn’t love fresh whipped cream?

4. You can basically liquify anything within reason…

…as demonstrated by this epic Korean immersion blender demo.

And you’ve only got less than 30 hours left to win it!
Design a kitchen tool that truly streamlines your life— send us your sketches for our 1-Hour Kitchen Tool Design Challenge and you could win an OXO On Illuminated Immersion Blender! Contest closes on March 29 at 11:59 EST 
