What If There Were Only 100 People On Earth?

It’s tough to wrap your head around 7.125 billion of anything, let alone human beings. So Gabriel Reilich, GOOD’s Head of Video, dove into statistics from the CIA’s World Factbook–then crunched the numbers to illustrate what our current situation would look like if there were just 100 people on Earth, rather than 7.125 billion.

To be clear, Rielich’s reduced the world’s population to 100 people proportionally. He then worked with animator Jake Infusino to demonstrate how things shake out: How many out of that 100 have cell phones, internet, roofs over their heads? What language do most of us speak? What kind of physical shape are most people in? What income bracket do you fall into, relative to the other 99?

Kind of eye-opening. Assuming the CIA’s got their facts straight, I’d venture to say that most of us watching this video are, in one way or another, inside that 1% that we hear so much about.
