Regular Pricing for the 2016 Core77 Design Awards Ends Tomorrow, March 8! Here Are 8 Reasons to Enter

Remember what we said about time moving faster than you’d think? Well, believe it or not, the end of Regular pricing for the 2016 Core77 Design Awards is nearly upon us. At 9pm Eastern tomorrow, March 8th, we officially move into our third pricing period. Save yourself the agony of another two weeks of procrastination (and some cash), and submit your design before Regular pricing is over.

We propose entering before Regular pricing ends…….2015 Professional Packaging Winner - Clifton Engagement Ring Case by Andrew Zo

Still on the fence about submitting? Let us help get you down from there. Here are 8 reasons you should enter the 2016 Core77 Design Awards:

1.) We’re the most inclusive Awards program out there. We offer designers in fields as seemingly disparate as Packaging and Service Design the chance to compete on equal footing. We know design isn’t a one trick pony. We believe that pony has, at the very least, 14 tricks.

2.) It’s all done online, so the submission process is a breeze. Think of all you could do with the money you’ll save on postage. We have some ideas.

3.) Students have a chance to participate against fellow students at a sharply discounted rate. We like a fair playing field…and a cheap playing field.

4.) Your work will be seen by these teams of international design leaders. Sure, we could tell you your designs are awesome, but wouldn’t you rather hear it from them?

5.) Receive an honor and have your work enshrined on the Core77 Design Awards site until the end of time. Or at least until Skynet takes over.

6.) As an honoree, your work will be the talk of the town. And the Twittersphere.

7.) Honorees are automatically in the running for our Community Choice prize. Democracy is a beautiful thing.

8.) Win your category and take home the peerless Core77 Trophy. What you do with your trophy is up to you, but the possibilities are endless.

We could go on and on about why you should enter, but we don’t want to keep you for too long. After all, you have an entry to submit, and Regular pricing ends March 8th at 9pm Eastern.

Time is running out. Get your entry in now!
