Top 5 Instagram Videos of the Week

Here’s a roundup of our favorite videos featured this week on Core77’s Instagram feed!

5. Premonitions of the Future 

The selfie stick is eerily predicted in the 1969 Czech sci fi series “I Killed Einstein, Gentlemen” (which was identified thanks to some of our very well-informed Core77 readers!).

4. The color Vantablack is nuts 

Fun fact: Vantablack, the darkest material ever made, is so dark that it renders textured surfaces (like this aluminum foil) smooth to the eye. Read more about how the substance is made here

3. The “Quad Dong Bolt Turner" 

These flexible micro-actuators turning a bolt may be highly efficient, but they’re also silly as hell (and thanks to @alexandermandeville for the proper video title). 

2. The Hypnotizing Art of Wood Turning

Woodshop master Matthias Wandel puts us in a trance turning a ball on his wooden lathe. 

1. The Rollable Wooden Tabletop

Designer Nathalie Dackelid’s rollable wooden table concept had us all in awe this week. 

Want more awesome videos? Find and follow us on Instagram (@core77) !
