Eye Candy: SIGGRAPH’s Best-of-the-Best Computer Animation Sizzle Reel

SIGGRAPH 2016 is coming up in July, and given that this year’s theme is “Render the Possibilities,” their publicity team has put together a video showing you just how wide those possibilities are. After combing through the last five years’ worth of submissions for their annual computer animation festival, they’ve selected the best-of-the-best and edited them together:

Though computer animations are utilized in industrial design, it is of course the entertainment industries—videogames, movies—that have the larger budgets and draw the deepest teams of animators. I can’t help but feel a twinge of envy watching these clips, but I suppose none of us got into ID for the glory.

SIGGRAPH 2016 runs from July 24th to the 28th in Anaheim, California, and you can register here. Hopefully they won’t lure you away from our profession.
