Introducing the Winners of Our 1-Hour Design Challenge!

Sometimes particular design prompts induce rather out-there concepts, and with our Sex Toys of the Future 1-Hour Design Challenge, this was no exception. You all submitted some fantastic, truly innovative and wild sex products for the year 2050. Without further ado, we hope you get off on this round’s winners.


“Zero Gee Spot” by Justin DiPego


Zero Gee Spot is truly a concept for the future:

“The Zero Gee Spot is a self contained, reactive loveseat, designed to keep a couple together in weightless bliss…With finely tuned sensors and reactive AI, the nodes will reach out and stabilize the couple, keeping them floating and unrestrained, yet effectively held in place, like a balloon held aloft with gentle nudges.”

Judges ultimately chose DiPego’s design for it’s highly innovative nature. “[One of the most innovative] was Zero Gee Spot—never heard of that being proposed before—so highly commended,” notes our judge Judith Glover. Judge Dan Chen even offered some sweet add-ons to the device: “It would be cool if the nodes could also serve as actuators, or robotic arms that grab parts of your body, so you don’t have to predict how your partner will move in zero g. This could also be used as an educational tool, like learning a ‘dance move.’”


“Rocker” by Mark Salerno


Rocker is an interesting concept for an ergonomic form that may be familiar in the realm of sex toys with an added futuristic digital layer— “'Rocker” is a companion for 2050 that allows features like choosing from an array of online partners,“ says Salerno, "repeat previously recorded love sessions with a real partner…A 'Super Dildo’ in its 'Smart Saddle’ contains spheres that enable a super-human experience." 

While this project didn’t encourage intimacy between individuals in a very direct sense, its clear visual communication of the concept and form consideration were not missed by the judges. "The Rocker was well drawn and well presented- a lot of information included. It’s still an old idea with new tech…[but I wonder,] are any of these new tech ideas around remote love making going to enhance 'intimacy’?)”, asks judge Judith Glover. 

“Breath” by Robert Hanson


“Breath” takes an interesting and less overt approach by utilizing our sense of smell and the power of pheromones: “The BREATH device promotes and enhances these moments of real connection by infusing the air in our space with refined pheromone and synthetic neuro-chemical aerosols, [which] peek our warm and loving feelings towards our partners, take us out of stress, anxiety, doubt, and hesitation to then propel us into deeper and more impactful emotional and intimate moments." 

The judges all noted that the best element of this product was its potential to promote true intimacy: "its innovative,” says judge Judith Glover, and “well drawn in the sense that you understand the concept and design immediately by the use of a user scenario and lastly…Intimacy…it’s about 2 people being together at the same time, which was expressed strongly in the drawing.”

“This is pretty close to taking drugs, but the user could explore or enhance their sensation safely and responsibly,” said judge Dan Chen. 

Thanks again everyone for your submissions and helping to make the world of sex in the future better and brighter! We’ll be in touch with all the winners soon, who will all be taking home some seriously awesome drawing gear thanks to Hand-Eye Supply, all valued up to $500! 

Also a big shout-out to Dan Chen, Judith Glover, and Jon Winebrenner— we couldn’t have asked for a better group of judges. 

Also: stay tuned in the future for more 1-Hour Design Challenges by joining our Facebook group or following our 1-HDC discussion board page!
