OK Go’s Crazy Zero-Gravity Music Video

We have a history of posting OK Go’s music videos, because they have a history of putting out insanely creative visual spectacles. This last one is no exception: The fellas shot it inside an airplane while it was performing those “vomit comet”-style zero-gravity moves, a/k/a parabolic flight, which renders everything weightless in roughly 30-second bursts. Wrap your eyeballs around this:

Er, how many takes do you think that took? Why do they appear to be weightless for far longer than the 27-second zero-gravity cycles? Was there any editing trickery involved? And did anyone puke? Well, we’re glad you asked:

It was interesting to see that they opted for Russian cosmonaut training rather than contacting NASA; I’m guessing the latter isn’t keen on having the interior of their training craft splattered with paint.
