Incredible Video Showing What Happens When You Throw Boiling Water Into Subzero Air

New York has cold winters, but after watching The Revenant I decided I’d never complain about being cold ever again. And our neighbors to the north certainly have worse winters than we do.

In Quebec’s Laurentian Mountains, for instance, earlier this week it was about -27 Celsius and worse with the windchill. What better time, Montrealite David Freiheit wondered, than to run outside with a pot of boiling water and throw it up into the air to see what would happen?

This is what happens:

I call Freiheit a maniac for throwing it into the wind, by the way. And you can see that he appears to get hit in the face with a bit of the water coming down as it freezes. “[I did get hit but the result was] a minor sting only,” Freiheit writes. “Actually, the more painful part was the imminent frostbite that came with running back inside with water on my face on a windy day. It was something like the equivalent of -45 with the windchill. ”

Well, let this be a reminder to you of how far we’ve come, as a society, since Hugh Glass walked the earth in 1823. Presented with the fact that we can now boil water at will, can spend it frivolously and can risk frostbite for shits and giggles, this likely would have been his reaction:
