Nissan Debuts Self-Organizing Office Furniture!

It’s not quite Tesla’s Autopilot, but Nissan has been developing a automotive feature called Intelligent Parking Assist. The system was developed with the thought that drivers would be tired after a long journey, and could benefit from having the car take care of the last few feet. Frivolous? Perhaps, but leave it up to quirky Japanese engineers to see a parallel between a self-parking car…and a messy office.

Operating under the idea that office workers are too busy or tired to tidy up after a meeting, Nissan’s engineers amusingly rigged up a bunch of office chairs with their system:

The inventor of The Clapper can’t be happy.

So how does it work? You saw the diagram with the Wi-Fi, what does that have to do with it? Here are some more details, as well as a demonstration of how it works in a car:

Okay, so perhaps “Intelligent Parking Assist” is a bit of a misnomer, as the ultimate locations must be pre-programmed. But it’s hard not to love the spectacle of chairs bustling back to their designated spaces.

What we think Nissan oughta do next: Combine the self-parking chairs with Roombas. Then the office would be really tidy.
